10 April 2009


This is my second week participating in Photo Hunt. Today’s word was Triangle. Be sure to check out all the terrific entries by clicking Photo Hunt.


Gaelyn said...

Nice triangles.

Happy Easter Erin.

YTSL said...

Here's extending a belated welcome to Photo Hunt-ing and have to say that I enjoyed checking out your entry this week. Cool photos! :)

MedaM said...

Wow, this is an interesting triangle finds! I love the reflection on the first photo but the perspective on the second one is just fantastic and attractive.

Michele said...

Awesome view looking up into those triangles in the second photo! That was cool!!
Great triangle post!

Huzhar said...

Beautiful capture! I love the reflection of the triangle on the building glass.

Daryl said...

Nice .. I like the last one,looking up through it the best ..odd angles appeal to me .. LOL

srp said...

Great job! I lived in Roanoke when I was just a little girl... I think we were there for seven years. It is my mom's birthplace and my brother was born while we lived there. Dad asked Mom to marry him under the star on top of Mill Mountain.
Mine is up here.

Tara R. said...

These are wonderful.

Unknown said...

I really like your triangles. Interesting.

Happy Easter!

Kim said...

Love your take on this weeks theme. Great photos too!

I found it hard to find triangles in my house this week but I did finally find some.

Mine's up and ready...come on over!

Mariposa said...

Plenty of triangles...

Marites said...

cool angle and lots of triangles:)

Happy Easter!

Lew said...

Nice take on the theme! And I love the blue reflected off the building.

Tanya Breese said...

Oh I recognize those triangles! Hope you had a great Easter Miss Erin!!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

These are stunning photos, Erin. You have a real photographically creative eye, my friend. :)
