04 January 2010

Winter Scenes from My World

This is my contribution for MY WORLD-TUESDAY . Taken Saturday, January 2, 2010 in and around Craig's Creek in Botetourt County, Virginia. Temperature with wind chill factored in was 10 degrees. Needless to say, I did not tary too long outside. A wee bit too cold for me.

Do stop by the fab meme and check out the many contributors from all over the world. That's My World is hosted each week by Klaus and the My World team, Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and Sylvia.


Mental P Mama said...

Those are beautiful! C-c-c-c-cold!

T said...

Love the second shot - just beautiful.

Can you even believe how cold it is?!?

Sylvia K said...

What gorgeous captures, Erin! The reflections and the color of the water -- particularly in the second shot are breathtaking. And, oh, does it look cold!

Hope your new year is off to a great start! Enjoy!


Gaelyn said...

Beautiful shots of winter, be it way too cold. Love the knarled tree roots soaking in what looks like slush but I'm sure at those temps it's solid.
Have a great week Erin.

Daryl said...

Beautiful and cold ... nice to be inside looking out!

CountryDew said...

Makes me cold to look at those. We are indeed having some frigid weather.

Rajesh said...

Gorgeous winter snaps, very scenic.

MedaM said...

Your really know how to take photos. It seems to me that what ever you see you are able to make it special. These three photos are really beautiful and so atractive.

Anonymous said...

It looks very pretty. The water is an amazing shade of blue.

Carver said...

I love the colors in these shots. Magnificent.

Janie said...

Beautiful shots from your chilly world. I love the old gnarled tree, and the pretty cold blue in sky and water.

Unknown said...

Amazing colours in the first photo, a lovely bridge - nice capture.
The colour of the ice is so so blue, almost green. Very nice.
Thanks for sharing - I love them all. Stay warm, and happy new year!

Beck said...

Thanks for the photo's, what a beautiful part of the world you live in. It's quite different here in Daylesford, Australia where we have another hot, hot day with bright blue sky. It's been nice visiting your blog, thanks xo

SandyCarlson said...

These are gorgeous winter views. You are very talented.

Martha Z said...

Burr! Nice shots,though.

Country Girl said...

You mean you didn't jump in and go a-swimmin'?

Samson said...

beautiful winter shots


Indrani said...

Beautiful winter scenes from your place.
I wish you a Happy Year ahead!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful shots, Erin! It looks cold there too. I love the first shot of the road and the sky. Very pretty.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I do not do cold well. But I am loving your winter shots.

VioletSky said...

the colour of the icy water in that second shot is amazing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Erin: Beautiful captures in your icy world. I'm already tired of all the snow up North.

Irene said...

Your wintry pictures are simply beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow - the colours, the cold, that long bridge. Fantastic winter shots!

Mariz said...

gorgeous set of photos, love all of it! regards from mixpix!

Arija said...

Beautiful, love the feet f the tree by the little icy pondlet.

ninja said...

Lovely shots but that's not a lot of Winter;)

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Lovely captures. It looks like you live in Fairyland!
Happy New Year to you,

maryt/theteach said...

Erin, these are lovely winter pix! Yikes, 10 degrees, I bet you were cold! Happy My World Tuesday! Thanks for visiting my post! :)

Anonymous said...

The water is such an interesting shade of blue! Makes me cold just looking at it!

Unknown said...

Boy it looks cold and those temps are where we are headed this week! Great piccies.

NatureFootstep said...

I like the image of the bridge. It is like it invites you to stroll on to it.

Gattina said...

Looks quite cold at your place too, lol ! It could be here in Belgium !

Lew said...

You are right Erin. Those storms travel right up I-81 and catch us a few hours after you are snow bound. We usually are a little warmer and not as much snow as in the Shenandoah. You got some great shots of the creek and the old bridge!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Those are just beautiful photos! I'm actually excited because today it's in the 20's!! We might get snow tomorrow (very exciting for us in Georgia).


The Gathering Place said...

Beautiful photos. I have been wanting to take some winter pictures, but we have been having an inversion and the air isn't very clear. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's beautiful! Cold, but beautiful. Virginia is such a lovely state.

Anonymous said...

You obviously live in a beautiful place.

Susan B said...

Those are stunning photos! And they make me shiver just looking at them.

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely eorld you live in!