01 September 2008

Home is a place...

Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. ~John Ed Pearce
Photographed August 30, 2008 in Fincastle, Virginia.


  1. Erin, hello. I've never visited before but think I saw you comment at my blog once or twice. I noticed I had a "follower" (whatever that is, I know not) on one of the blogs, so I clicked on it and voila! Here I am and I love your beautiful pictures.
    I lived in Virginia for a time and when my son went to UVa, we were camping all the time in Shenandoah and then meeting him for dinner or lunch. He now lives in NYC, so we don't get down as much.
    Love your pics, your links to interesting history and such and your cool books! I'm sending this link to my niece, who just graduated from Drexel's school of fashion design. She's got an interview in NYC this week, I hear . . .

  2. Hi there.
    Thank you :)
    I am trying to point out all the wonderful sites and history in my new home state. It is an interesting place. I have so many interests and just would love to share a small portion with others.
    Love your blog too.
    Have a wonderful day.


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.