06 November 2008

Memories of Summer with Friends-Lake Moomaw, Virginia

Bill and Cindy's younger daughter Sherry babysitting the watermelon :) She's a cutie.
Hubby tending the grill...sporting his "VIRGINIAN" hat. Hat design from one that Thomas Jefferson wore.

Bill, Yvonne and my hubby.

Getting ready for a cruise on the lake in Bill's pontoon boat...

Life is good for my hubby...a day in the country and tending the meat on the grill, what more could a man ask for~
I was going through my pictures and thought I would post some pictures of our wonderful summer days at Lake Moomaw with our friends Bill and Cindy and their children and Bill's co-worker and his wife. Bill bought this lovely acreage just down the road from Lake Moomaw and is going to build a house there. He's already built a barn and is in the process of digging a well. I love the area...it is pristine and so beautiful. After we chowed on yummy meal we had a fire in the fire pit. The pictures made me smile ^..^

1 comment:

  1. You clearly had a wonderful time and good weather! Thanks for your visit! Have a great weekend.


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.