29 November 2008

REMINDER My Vintage Kitchen Towel Book and Vintage Textile Give-Away Ends Tuesday, December 2nd-Don't Forget to Enter!!!

Hello everyone.

Just a reminder that my blog give-away ends on Tuesday, December 2nd. If you haven't posted your most humorous holiday story yet, please do. Don't forget to leave me your email address so I can get in touch with you should you be the lucky winner~ I will announce the lucky winners on Wednesday.

I will be giving away a "new" autographed copy of my most recent book, "Colorful Vintage Tablecloths" and a Tom Lamb designed vintage kitchen towel to two, yes two lucky winners. The towel, pictured here, in unused and features the cutest anthropormorphic veggies marching to the soup pot.

So...why are you waiting, why not join in the fun, I know you will love my book.


  1. Hello there, thank you for stopping by and leaving a nice comment. I wish I had a funny story for you for Christmas but I can't remember nary one. My 'rememberer' is a little off these days - lol. If the light-bulb finally goes off I will be back in a skip. Hope you see some of those squirrels. I'll drop a word in the ear of my little visitors if you like :)

  2. Hi Erin! I was browsing some blogs and yours popped up! How fun to find you!!

    I don't have a funny Christmas story that I can think of from the past. But this year will be the first Christmas without a visit from Santa since all my kids "know" now. But there will still be a little surprise for them. I've been stashing all the leftover kiddie wrapping paper that Santa used over the years and will use it up this year. I can't wait to see my 17 year olds face when she sees her presents wrapped in the leftover Barney paper from her "youth"!!

  3. Not funny, but the best! I was about 8 and my parents tied a bow to the Christmas tree with a ribbon that ran all through the house ... and ended up in the back bathroom where there was a lovely black puppy at the end of the ribbon!

  4. This towel is so stinking cute!!! I left my story on your original post about the giveaway but I had to let you know how cute this is, even if I don't win. :)


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.