31 January 2009

Two Weeks from Today...

Two weeks from today I will be arriving in Italia.

Spending a week in Tuscany and then on to Rome and southern Italia for a week. I've been traveling to Italy now for 10+ years. Last year hubby and I spent a week in and around Venice before heading south to Rome for a week. This year he's not joining me.

While in Rome I will be visiting with my favorite Auntie who lives in the trendy artisian quarter of Rome called 'Trastevere' and has since the late 60s. My Uncle is retired from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and continues to work as a Consultant to many of his previous clients.

I am in the "what shall I take to wear mode" while trying to keep my single piece of luggage within the 50 lb weight restriction limit. It's always a challenge.

I will update you all next weekend on my progress.

Travel poster from here.


  1. Wow! And I thought I was brave traveling to NYC all by myself - lol! Vintage fabric fascinates me, although I know absolutely nothing about it. I have several pieces from my great-grandmother's chest. Your book sounds interesting. Have a safe trip!

  2. Enjoy... have no idea what the weather is there this time of the year. Pack light and by all means enjoy yourself... take tons of photos!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  3. Have fun! Sounds like a great adventure.

  4. Oh Italy! I haven't been there for years and would love to go again soon. Too many places, alas not enough time or funds! Enjoy.

  5. Lucky you! I find Italy very fascinating and I do hpe I can travel there somebody. Have fun!

  6. Have a great, great trip. If you have time while in Tuscany- try to visit the walled village of Lucca... I have been several times and each time I leave a bit of my heart there. In late October it was chilly- so layers.

  7. Ah Venice .. I was there 5 yrs ago and it was magical ... I havent been to Rome since, well it feels as if its been centuries ...

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment!

  8. Amy-thanks much...if you every want to chat about my vintage cloths, give me a shout. they make beautiful pillow covers :)

    Di-will do.Weather a bit warmer than here right now but I like it cooler as it keeps the tourists away...lol

    Sandy-thanks, i will. i am anxious to get out and about and explore some places i have not been prior.

    Rob-indeed, indeed. i am still itching to travel to southeast asia again and katmandu is on my bucket list :0

    Marites-thank you for stopping by. Italy is a warm and wonderful country and I have always enjoyed visiting there...never tire of it.

    Debra-I have that on my list of possible side trips...and hopefully will work it into the schedule. Thanks for stopping by.

    Daryl-and thank you for stopping by my blog and thanks for the pointer about photoshop site...as you can see on my other blog, I've already used one of the features :)
    Yes, Venice is magical and we loved it...were there several days and just walked and chilled. Couldn't ask for a better place than that.

  9. Oh I am so jealous! You have to take lots and lots of pictures so I can feel like I was there!

  10. hi tanya
    will do. have some excursions planned to areas that i've not visited prior and a few return trips to others i have not been to in several years...
    i will be more excited when i am in the plane and enroute. lots of things, including WORK between now and then :)
    thanks for stopping by

  11. Enjoy your trip! As to gas prices, my last trip to the station was Jan 9 and we've been staying close to home. Since then the price has gone up to 1.899 and I will be needing gas soon.

  12. Envious here. I'm saving my pennies to make it to Venice, so your trip has my mind racing!

  13. Have a safe and a wonderful trip! I know you will share some of it with us through your photos and I am looking forward to it. Ciao :-)

  14. Hope it is a great trip. Tuscany just sounds so romantic and picturesque.

  15. Oooh! I'm so excited for you! How long will your stay be? Do have specific plans or place you want to visit while you're there?

    I hope you will take many photos and share them when you get back. I've never been to Italy, so I look forward to you taking me on a 'tour.

    A couple of friends of mine, who reside in Santa Fe recently completed their ceremonies for Dual Citizenship (Italy/USA) in LA.
    They totally cracked me up with their perception of the occasion, too. I think you would like them. hehe
    Here's their 'Italian' post:
    Italians in Santa Fe.

    I'm going to e-mail you in a moment with the answers to your questions. I'm so thrilled that you want to send me mail, all the way from Italy, my friend!
    Just imagine my face lighting up when I open your cards! :~D

    Oh. And here's my e-mail, too.
    Twinville2 @ yahoo dot com


  16. Hmmmm. I see my link didn't work. Let me try again:

    Italians in Santa Fe

  17. Hmmm, so now I see what you've been up to! It's tough when you have to plan a trip to Italy;)

    One suitcase, under 50 lbs, that might be difficult, especially if you'd like to bring anything back with you.

    Have a wonderful time there! I've only been once...we loved it. Back in the '80s. Perhaps another year we'll do some more travelling.

  18. lew-thanks for stopping by. i still am perplexed why prices went back up when crude is low...just filled up and it will last me two weeks.
    tom-you will love venice. it is a walkers paradise. you take the little water taxis (cheap version) to certain points and hop off and walk about. we bought a pass for several days (best way to do it) the one thing that was a disappointment (but not really) was in all my reading and research it concentrated on how grand and great the grand canal was/is...it was a lot smaller than i imagined...
    hi medamm,thanks and i will. i am so looking forward to extended walks and photographing things more than ever before. hopefully weather will cooperate.
    countrydew-thanks for comment and yes it is a romantic and special place. i can hardly wait to get to sienna and explore...
    hey lisa-thanks much. and hopefully a little foreign correspondence will make you smile. take care.

    jan-yes, preoccupied you might say and trying to tie up things at work as well. maybe i will stumble upon some great bird shots while there...would be nice.

    thanks all for stopping by.


  19. I haven't gotten to explore Italy as much as I had hoped. It's a great country to visit. Have you been to Cinque Terra? It's really interesting-5 little villages on the coast.

  20. hi linda
    no i have not been Cinque Terra. It would be easy to take a train from Florence there but don't think I will have enough time to include it this trip. Thanks for stopping by...and I definitely will keep that in mind for a future excursion.


  21. Have a fun time in Italy. When you get a chance, you may be interested in checking this post on my blog:


    I had to look to see if it's your book that I have, but found it's not. I'll have to get a copy of yours, too.


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.