08 March 2009

something pretty

I have returned from my two week adventure in Italy. It was a most wonderful trip. I forgot how great traveling alone is. There is something to not having anyone underfoot nor discussing what is on the days agenda.

I wandered about Florence, Siena, Assisi, San Gimigiano, Orvieto, Anzio, Ostia Lido and Rome unfettered and alive (from Joni Mitchell's "Freeman in Paris"). Each day I planned out day trips (actually I had done some planning before arriving checking train schedules and such so I could squeeze in many day trips) was up early-6:00 a.m. and to breakfast by no later than 7:30 a.m.; then it was off the the train terminal to catch a train. I had miles to walk once I arrived at my destination and returned often just as it was turning dark. I snapped over 2500 photographs, of course not all meet my critical eye but, many are keepers.

Will start my travel journal next week. For now I am sharing some lovely purple crocus with you. Today it was 82 degrees in the valley. Quite a far cry from the snow storm of last weekend when temperatures dipped into the teens.
I have posted my first photographs from my trip on my other blog The Road Not Taken. Click to see the Mercato at San Lorenzo.

Until later.


  1. How fabulous the crocus are! And how fabulous that you are home and will be giving us all a bit of Italian eye candy.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  2. So glad you are back. I can't wait to read your travel journey and see the pictures that pass your stamp of approval.

    Beautiful crocus.

    Italian word of the day: Polvere (dust) We sure got a lot of that around here. Dry, dusty and windy!


  3. hi di and hi lisa
    thanks for stopping by.

    i got home only to find my entire closet in shambles. the system(not installed by us) pulled from the walls. a total disaster. so, hubby (bless his heart) installed a new system this week. he has problems with his left rotator cuff and has limited range of motion above his head so it took a bit longer. but, things are back in order now but for a few things. it is nice to have order again in the closet. i also downsized some and have a few bags to take to goodwill/salvation army.

    lisa, your goodie should arrive hopefully by monday...sorry about being late in getting it to you. hope you like.
    the new header is from the piazza republica in florence...and one of my favorite places there.

    until later...hugs.

  4. Welcome home Erin. Can't wait to see your pics and read about your journey.
    Thanks for reminding me about the good side of traveling alone.
    Love the new header.

    Got your postcard.

  5. I long to see crocus popping their heads up, but all I see is snow. Lucky you!

    I can't WAIT to see photos from your trip to Italy! My husband longs to go and I'm sure we'll make it there one day after the girls are grown and gone. Your husband didn't even go with you? Glad you had a safe trip.

  6. i managed to put some photos up of the mercato on my other page for My World Tuesday. Take a peek.

    My new header is from the carousel in the Piazza della Repubblica in Florence. It's a neat one :)

  7. Spring beckons, but it's not in Muskoka yet!

  8. Purple was my mother's favourite colour. She would have loved those crocus! They really are very beautiful. Warm greetings!

  9. I would love traveling alone actually. Wander around where I wanted.
    I did rent Roman Holiday and loved it! We laughed so hard too. Her eyes were so amazing.
    Can't wait to read about your trip :)

  10. I LOVE traveling alone. And I love your sense of adventure!

  11. Thank you for the beautiful crocuses! I am looking forward to reading your Italian adventures! Good that you are back! Have a great week!.

  12. Welcome HOME! Can't wait to see the pictures of your amazing trip and those crocus are stunning! Or is it Crocus', Crocuses??? I have some popping up in my yard too...love the new looks of the place!

  13. As you move into spring, we taste the Australian autumn ...

  14. Buona sera Signora Good Life,

    I have fond memories of Italy (especially Florence); I wish I could remember more of the language :-)

    Like you, I've just returned from traveling (Nicaragua). I fell in love with the Pacific coast of Costa Rica several years ago and now I can't seem to stay away. Nicaragua isn't as hot and humid but there is the blue Pacific ocean.

    I'm glad you had a great time and look forward to reading more from you.



  15. Oh, welcome home! As much fun as traveling can be, it's always good to come home. And to such glorious weather, yet!
    Looking forward to your vacation photos. Bravo for you going solo! And your crocus are quite pretty.

  16. Thanks for sharing such lovely purple crocus; they are really beautiful sign of spring!

  17. I am glad you had a good trip. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.

  18. Wonderful! I'd love to hear about your experiences traveling alone. I've done it stateside, for short bursts of time. It sounds glorious.

    I've just found your blog via Une Femme....looks very nice...

  19. Glad you had a great trip and I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures! I have been to Rome and Avezzano, but not to other great cities to visit.

  20. Thanks for your comment. Our squirrels don't even run when I go out now unless I go straight towards them. They just watch while munching on acorns.

  21. Frankly I didn't know the name of the flower. It is so beautifully photographed.

    And I am now very eager to see the shots of Italy. :)

  22. That must have been a wonderful trip ! I have spent (and still spend) holidays in Italy because my husband is Italian. He is from the lake of Garda.

  23. You must had great time. I can tell from the way you write about it. Next time visit Greece. We have awesome places to visit, with great history and many things to see.

  24. That is a beautiful and quite colorful carousel. My daughter could ride the carousel all day! What sort of music do they play on that one?

    By the way, your package arrived for me yesterday. I completely blown away and surprised! I had no idea you were going to send something so beautiful, thoughtful and very generous. THANK YOU, my dear friend. I just love the scarf. It's soft and luxurious!
    (I posted about your gift on my blog, including photos, if you'd like to see. It is within my Spinning Wheel post)

    I'm so sorry about your closet system. Glad to read that your hubby got a new system installed and things are getting organized again. Poor hubby, though. Will he need surgery to repair the rotator cuff one day?


  25. Thank you for your post and your lovely photos of the crocus. We have a beautiful spring "looking" day but the temperature dropped to -5*C and the wind is makes it feel like -10*C but that is what March in Ontario is all about...fickleness! I look forward to read about your newly finished journey. Thank you for sharing and stopping by.

  26. The blue Crocus are very beautiful messengers of spring.
    I am looking forward to see your pictures from your trip. My last trip to Italy was in September 07 but I have spend many happy holidays and have very fond memories of Italy.

  27. Hey you're back! Welcome home!!!! I'm hopping right over to your travel blog. Can't wait to see all the photos you will be posting. What a great trip you had.

  28. The crocus are so beautiful! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed your trip, and can't wait to see the photos. :)

  29. Lovely,wonderful photo,Thanks for sharing.


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.