11 May 2009

Let's Take a Road Trip-Part 1

Saturday was a very hot and humid day in our part of the world so I decided to take a road trip. Revisited the Maury River at Jordan's Point Park in Lexington. Will share more with you in the days ahead. Aren't these trees just amazing?


  1. Sure is Green. Is that some sort of fungi growth on the trunk?

    It's already getting Hot?

  2. Yes, it really is amazing and your photo is great.
    And the header on this blog of yours I also like very much.

  3. They are amazing.. its a fabulous shot .. interesting growths on the one on the right .. makes the term 'bumps on a log' to new levels

  4. I'm so glad you were able to get out and enjoy some new scenery. Bah on the hunidity, though. hehe!

    Those trees look like two lovers dancing cheek to cheek :)


  5. All your photos are wonderful. I enjoyed the journey. You have a great eye.
    Thanks for visiting, have a happy weekend... Pam


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.