31 May 2009

Part 2 - Stonewall Jackson's Home and Garden - Lexington, Virginia

More from Stonewall Jackson's home in Lexington, Virginia. As I said in the previous post, I love visiting the garden. It offers such different looks during the course of the year. Enjoy


  1. It's a beautiful garden. I can see why you like to visit.

    Have a great week Erin.

  2. Beautiful garden, indeed! The grey wooden fence on the first photo gives the garden some old and special look. I love it!

  3. Loved both posts and accompanying pix, Erin, now I wanna come see it in person!

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed your trip to Lexington. Your photos put me right there.


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.