18 June 2009

Sweet Wildflowers from Botetourt County

Of course I should have been packing for my trip last week but, I was out taking photographs in between the rain storms. This shot is from my favorite secret place that I visit frequently. There is always something lovely to capture there.


  1. Nice Shot, Erin!! I love secret places too... trouble is I'm a blabber mouth and can't keep a secret.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  2. Beautiful shot! Glad you were dawdling so we can now see the flower.

  3. Aww, sweet wildflowers. I have always loved seeing wildflowers growing along the roadsides when we travel. That are so different in each area of the country...

  4. Oooh! This is just amazing, Erin. I really like it!


  5. I love your secret place. I think we all have one of those places, eh? These are very pretty and the fact that you caught them in mid opening is fantastic... very nice for sure.

  6. Oh, it's so beautiful! Wonderful photo!


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