30 September 2009

Snapshots From Summer 2009 ... Good Friends, Good Food and Lake Moomaw

Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.
-- Henry James

28 September 2009

I'm Back!

I came home Saturday morning and proceeded to checking each room and making sure all was in order. There were a couple of changes. Mom had put a towel in my cat habitat for me to curl up on...provides me a wee bit of privacy when I want to be invisible from them. Mom had also put shredded newspapers in my litter box and placed it outside the tub enclosure. Now that just didn't work for me. I cried and dug in the papers but, I just did not accept it as a litter box and besides, I had no privacy. So, they finally gave in and threw the shredded paper out and put a little liter in my box and put it back where it belonged, in the tub enclosure. I immediately jumped in and proceeded to do my thing. Relief!

I also don't like the stitches and have been nipping and tugging at them. They are itchy and annoying.

And what is up with my front paws? I keep shaking them and hoping my claws will reappear. Geesh. I have also been licking them alot...

Otherwise all is fine...I am getting lots of pets and loves and cuddles. It makes me feel better.

Oh, it was sooo nice to eat my food. I licked my dish clean!

Til later...
Blue Ridge Becky

25 September 2009

I Am Away...They've Taken Me to

Veterinarians to Cats for my procedures. I will return home Saturday sans my front claws and, I am now a poster child for zero-population growth.
My dad called and checked on me this morning. I am not eating the food they are serving...it's deplorable!
Let's say I will be happy to get out of here...two days is way too long to be away from my castle.
Blue Ridge Becky
P.S. Tomorrow I turn six months old...send cash!

24 September 2009

16 September 2009

On the Wings of a Butterfly...

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun
And find your shoulder to light on,
To bring you luck, happiness and riches
Today, tomorrow and beyond.
~Irish Blessing

14 September 2009

Fluttering By...

Spotted this lovely when I was walking the trail to the falls at Natural Bridge. Spent a rainy weekend in and around Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Hope you all had wonderful weekends.

10 September 2009

The End is Near...

Where did Summer go...spotted these rusting beauties in Abingdon, Virginia in July. Don't you just love the color?