25 September 2009

I Am Away...They've Taken Me to

Veterinarians to Cats for my procedures. I will return home Saturday sans my front claws and, I am now a poster child for zero-population growth.
My dad called and checked on me this morning. I am not eating the food they are serving...it's deplorable!
Let's say I will be happy to get out of here...two days is way too long to be away from my castle.
Blue Ridge Becky
P.S. Tomorrow I turn six months old...send cash!


  1. Happy Birthday Becky! It's really much better if you don't have to have kittens.

  2. Awwww. Sweet kitty. Your humans will be back at your beck and call before you know it;)

  3. I am sure by now she is home and being cuddled

  4. becky lee is home and doing good...upon arriving home she read us the riot act. we followed the vet instructions and made her a litter box filled with shredded paper. she carried on and on...needless to say she would not use it. so...this morning her box was filled with clay and she promptly used it twice.

    and of course, you can't keep a kitten from jumping up on to things...and she's been up and down just like her old self.

    and of course she's nipping at her stitches and attempting to pull them out...ughhh.

    life with a princess kitkid ^..^

  5. Happy Birthday Becky, glad you're home now. I know you are well loved and will be taken care of. You are one pretty little cat.


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.