23 October 2009

falling leaves...autumn in botetourt county

falling leaves
hide the path
so quietly
john bailey-


  1. Ah fall, so appropriately named.

  2. The best named season of them all ..

  3. Nice shot. The colors this year have been rather muted, it seems. Or maybe I'm just impatient for the leaves to turn.

  4. Beautiful photo!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  5. I love the falling leaves of autumn! From the looks of your side bar, we seem to share the love of old tablecloths.

  6. Falling leaves,
    bare trees,
    clear blue sky,
    make me smile :-))

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Isn't it gorgeous out? Although it makes driving hazardous, I can't stop looking at all the colors!

  8. Hi Erin, got back a few days ago and have been napping ever since, but today I seem to be a little livelier and wanted to pop in to say hi. Lovely photo, lovely verse. Going to look at your other posts now :)

  9. Wonderful dreamy quality to your photograph

  10. Just wanted to stop by and apologize for not following up with you regarding the Oyster Festival. My brain tends to wander, and you have to yell at me to get me to focus:/ I hope you had a great time! We'll see you at the next gathering:)

  11. Ditto what Big hair said, and I hope to see you at next summer's Blog Fest. WE haven't set a date yet but by December or so we should start planning.

    That was a lovely bookmark you sent Daryl. Take care.

  12. Dang Girl! Sorry I missed you at OF! Next time OK? Came by via Daryl! Stop by and see me!

  13. Hi Erin, lovely autumn shot, hope you did not go into hibernation?

  14. Hello my friend. It's been a long time without any blog posts or visits from you.
    I hope you are well? I'm just worried about you and hope everything is ok.

    Catch us up when you can.

    Take Care,


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.