14 October 2009

I Just Want a Bottle of Water...

Becky turns 7 months old soon. She is a typical kitten, if there is such a thing. She now weighs 5.8 pounds, and is no longer a little handfull of fluff. We've found when Becky wants something, there is no stopping her. She carries on, whines like a wee one and gets a little bit obnoxious. She has definitely become a Princess.

But...she's a little sweetie and we're happy to have our little tabby girl.
P.S. Becky was not left unattended while I snapped these shots of her with the plastic. Once I captured these shots, the bottles were removed and the packaging was taken to the trash. Becky knows plastic is not a good thing for little kits to chew on.


  1. thats so cute, but careful with plastic, curiosity killed the cat!

    indy in out growing me, breaks my heart, he has to many friends to need his mama now... i have an indoor fountain that all the cats drink from, i am terrified indy is going to fall in, just a few more months and he can stand if it happens, but he just is pushing his luck~

  2. Hi Erin, Becky still seems tiny. Do you think she'll stay a little Tabby? Sounds as though you have to watch the kitty like I have to watch the grandchildren so they don't get into trouble!

  3. I love adventurous Becky .. she reminds me of my own inquisitive Rosie who notices even little changes done in the apartment

  4. I hope you got the kitty out of that plastic, yikes! Very cute indeed.

  5. It's Cat in the Bubble! What a great movie. lol!

    Becky is such a cutie!


  6. Very cute photo ...

    Plastic bags are always put away at my house. Ashton got in one while I was unloading groceries. She was running around and we were running after him. That never happened again ...

  7. We don't have any cats, but my son and his wife have two. Their black one is so mischievous. From the looks of your post, they'll do most anything.


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