20 October 2009

Last View of Summer in the Hood....Taken Last Week from My Patio

The weather is changing. We had some lovely days and the grass greened up again. Now, Fall is setting in. Frost on the grass the past two mornings and temperatures have dipped into the 30s at night. 

I took this shot through the screen, thought that it made an interesting textural quality (click to enlarge and you will see what I am referring to).

I am looking forward to a drive into the local mountains and along the Blue Ridge Parkway this weekend. Maybe I will get lucky and find some Fall colors.

Have a lovely Tuesday everyone.


  1. Absolutely beautiful...I can even smell that fresh, crisp air! Hope you find some color as well...I really want to see some photos.

  2. Great shot - I am pretty sure I know that view!

    The colors so far are rather disappointing. I wonder if I'm just early in my expectations. Hope you get your trip and find some lovely things to photograph.

  3. Oh I wish I could also drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway, you are very lucky.

    Our leaves are nearly done for this year, enjoy your drive.

    Gill in Canada

  4. It looks so lush and green in your image. And I was trying to figure out the texture. Hope you get fall color lucky this weekend.

  5. It looks a grand place to live, and a trip to the mountains too.

    Thanks for your visit and kind words.

  6. Beautiful! I love that texture and thought it was a photo shop element!

  7. I do like that "screen" quality in your photo. So pretty and green yet there in your neighborhood! It's snowing here in Breckenridge today! I look forward to more photos of your fall colors.

  8. I enlarged the photo and the effect is fantastic. What a wonderful area where you live in. Your photo is so beautiful; the light is great and the whole composition is so attractive; green grass and lovely blue sky and those beautiful houses around. Absolutely wonderful!
    You have a great memory my friend. You didn't forget that I like rose hips. :-)Yes, I collected it again this year about 2 kg. You helped me to decide what to post for today's post. Thank you for your always nice and friendly comments on my blog. Have a wonderful rest of the week to you too.:-))

  9. Lovely photos and as a fellow Virginian I agree with your sidebar suggestions.

    (my google account is not connected to my blog so Please drop by for an enjoyable visit to my writing & photography blog.

  10. Sigh. That picture is fantastic. Reminds me of the town in Practical Magic. :)

  11. What a lovely photo..even through the screen...

    Gosh if i posted a photo like that, all you would see would be dust! We have had three dust storms in the past month in our drought ridden down under land...yuk!

    Guess you must use the raw setting on your camera to get such fine detail and effects? Just lovely anyway you get it!


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.