21 December 2009

The Big Snow Storm of Saturday December 19, 2009

We had a little snow storm on Saturday. Actually, it was the largest snow storm we have encountered since moving here eight years ago the 23rd of December.

I tried to head out to work today but the road in our development was extremely icy. The car got stuck and we worked for over an hour to get it back in the driveway. Lucky for us we were successful as the giant trash truck came lumbering down the road minutes later.

Around 11a.m. a young fellow knocked on the door and asked if we'd like our driveway cleaned. Of course I was happy he was offering to assist. He had a large front loader with a scraper on the rear. Cleaned the 2 1/2 feet of snow away in no time. He's on Christmas break from Virginia Tech where he is studying horticulture. His family lives down the valley road a couple of miles.
So, for now, our driveway is void of the snow. Tomorrow morning I will attempt to head out again for work, hopeful of course, I succeed and am able to make it to the main road.


  1. Your first photo reminds me of Courier and Ives - so peaceful cloaked in white. Be safe and enjoy the snow!

  2. So pretty! And sometimes all that snow is just a good excuse to be able to stay home, drink hot cocoa and enjoy the peace and beauty of the season.
    I'm glad the snow wasn't too heavy and that you came through safely. Stay warm, my friend.

    Holiday Blessings for you,

  3. I would say that we've had the same weather over here. Only yesterday there was -16˚C but it is about 10˚C today. What strange weather! I love your first photo very much. But I am feeling well and hope that you are feeling fine, my e-friend.

  4. Great pics! We had over a foot of snow here. Thank goodness for on line shopping or Santa would be on the naughty list!
    Merry Christmas.

  5. Beautiful pictures! The snow must be so pretty though very hazerdous.

    I have to say, I am always shocked when I hear stories from other parts of the country when it snows. It seems the roads and developments can take days to get plowed out! Here, they plow nonstop during the storms and by that evening or the next day the roads are usually clear. Seriously. We would have to have a pretty bad storm for the roads to be messy for longer than a day.

    Hope you made it to work!


  6. Ah now that looks absolutely gorgeous. Lovely photos Erin. Hope you are able to get to work tomorrow.

  7. wow it sure is pretty. merry christmas and a blessed new year!

  8. You get worse snow than us but manage to cope. Here we are always totally unprepared and a relatively small amount creats chaos.


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