03 January 2010

Baby...It's Cold Outside

Late Saturday afternoon I tempted fate and went out to capture some winter photographs. The temperature was about 27 and with the wind chill, it dipped down to 10 degrees. Headed toward Eagle Rock area.

The Phoenix Bridge was constructed in 1887. It is a single lane bridge spanning Craig's Creek in Botetourt County Virginia. It was built by the Phoenix Bridge Company and was one of the first steel bridges constructed in southwest Virginia.

To see more interesting history items in and around Botetourt County, Virginia please check out fellow local blogger Anita Firebaugh's Botetourt History Project.
Taken: January 2, 2010


  1. Such wonderful wintry photographs. I love that soft look to your images. I also have enjoyed your header. These old movie theaters are a work of art in themselves.

  2. You've certainly captured the cold feel of winter Erin. Love the soft colors behind the historic bridge. Great job. Try to stay warm.

  3. Even though there is pink in the sky, it sure does look frigid, Erin. I love the span of the old bridge.

  4. What a beautiful skyline framing the bridge! Winter is the hardest time for me to get out - not only due to the cold on me, but what it can do to my camera!

  5. Your photos totally took my breath away, Erin!!! Just stunning. That first one should be enlarged and framed. Amazing!!!
    I love them. And good for you getting out there to capture such beauty even in the freezing cold.


  6. The first shot is so full of drama, great contrasts - and it looks cold! I am used to the cold weather, we had - 31 degrees Celcius this Christmas!
    I agree with Denise: that soft look in your images is so beautiful! I am still trying to find out what you do! :) I will not ask! :)

    Wish you a very happy new year! And I also enjoy stopping by your blog!

  7. Your blog looks so good! I haven't been here in a while. Bad me.

    Why the heck aren't you on my blogroll. I just checked and you are not.

    I have rectified this situation. Your photos are gorgeous.

  8. These are magical views,
    the colors along the river are so beautiful!

  9. Fantastic captures, Erin! They are indeed breathtaking! Such gorgeous colors in the first shot, love the water! Do stay warm and thanks for sharing the beauty! Wishing you all the good things for the new year! Enjoy!


  10. Thanks for the link. Those are great shots of the bridge in this frigid weather. You are a brave soul to venture out in this cold!

  11. Stunning photos. The bridge looks familiar to me, but I can't remember where Botetourt County is...I remember seeing a bridge just like this on a backroad above the Lexington/Covington/Lake Moomaw area on the way to Goshen Pass, but I don't think it's the right county.

    No matter, the bridge--and your photos--are wonderful.

    p.s. Donks Theater is less than 2 miles from me.

  12. Brrr... it certainly is cold! Your photos definitely bring that out for sure. We had it so cold for a while but a warm snap came out but I know it won't be for long but I'm going to enjoy it for as long as I can!!
    Happy New Year, my friend!


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.