11 February 2010

It's Not Paris....

I know, it's not Paris nor an African safari but...  I am going on an Italian adventure.

On my itinerary: Naples, Sorrento, Paestum, Amalfi, Positano, Ercolano, Capri, Viterbo, Siena, Cerveteri, Rome and whatever else strikes my fancy in the next few weeks.

I depart Monday.


  1. My daughter was lucky enough to get sent to Italy for her high school graduation present. She still talks about how much she liked it there and reminisces about the wonderful food. Have a great trip. Hopefully you will get out on time!

  2. mountain.mama-yes, i am worried about the delays and such. as it is we are driving up to dulles, had originally planned to fly out of roanoke but, with delays and such i did not want to chance missing connection in dulles so...we will drive. i am looking forward to getting away from the snow and cold. take care.

  3. Good thing you are driving to Dulles: A friend of ours was supposed to fly out of Roanake just before Christmas, and he was delauyed three days!

    There's a chance of snow in the DC area on Monday, I hope you can travel up there on Sunday already! (I am hoping for fair weather on Monday, one of our daughters is flying in from California and is changing planes in Dulles on Monday evening.)

    Buon viaggio,

  4. Btw, I have not been to Paris because I always rather returned to Italy. ;-)

  5. You are going to have a magical time, looking forward to seeing lots and lots of wonderful photos! xo

  6. You go girl! How exciting.I hope you have a fantastic time. Can not wait to hear all about it!

  7. Put me in your suitcase! (Would I be safe there?)

  8. How exciting! I hope you have a safe and fun trip, Erin!


  9. For real? Oh, you lucky girl! Have a wonderful time!!
    And excellent travel pic here.

  10. Lucky you! My husband went to Italy a few years back on business and always talks about going back.

    Have a safe and fun trip!


  11. The coastal towns of Italy should be quite a change from our recent weather. Enjoy your trip! And I look forward to seeing some of Italy through your lens.

  12. Oh Erin, you lucky lady. I wish you happy traveling and look forward to all those fabulous photos.

  13. I'm sure you're having a wonderful trip - looking forward to all your photos!!!

  14. Erin!
    Ahhh, another trek to Italy!! Will you be visiting with your Aunt? Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip.
    Will look forward to seeing your photos posted!!

    Grandma G's

  15. Hi! New to your blog and already know I'm going to love it...
    Italy is great - enjoy!

  16. Have a wonderful time and think of us in VA. I spent a couple of days in Italy once and always wanted to go back.

  17. That is awesome! Love your blog. There is still much to see in Virginia, thanks for the ideas!

  18. God Speed, I love Italy.
    I'm another VA blogger living in Tazewell County.


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