08 December 2008

My World-The Roanoke City Market, Roanoke Virginia

I had the opportunity to snap a few photos downtown last week. It was chilly and clear and perfect for the task at hand. While snapping pictures I met a visitor from Ottawa who thought Roanoke was just charming. He had been through Roanoke many times but had never stopped to take in the atmosphere. Today he did and he said he liked the "feel" of our little town.

The Historic Roanoke City Market, also called the Farmer's Market due to the profusion of plants, fresh fruits, and vegetables available during the growing season, is the oldest continuously operating open air market in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It began when 25 licenses were issued to "Hucksters" (Vendors) in 1882.

The first City of Roanoke Charter formally authorized a municipally owned market in 1884. The first City Market Building was completed in 1886 and formed the core around which the Curb Market and Market Square developed. The original building was destroyed by fire and was replaced by the current building in 1922. After serving as an indoor market for many years, the City Market Building was renovated in the mid 1980's and currently houses an International Food Court - a hugely popular lunch time destination in downtown.

The Historic Roanoke City Market is open year-round, seven days a week, and closes only on Christmas and New Year's. There are 42 permanent tables covered by blue and white awnings that mark an inviting display of fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants during growing season. There are additional spaces in Market Square where vendors erect tents to display their wares. In recent years, a number of artisans have joined the farmers and planters offering handcrafted items, unique jewelry, and other art objects. The market even boasts a variety of fresh meats!

The Historic Roanoke City Market has been recognized as a "Great American Public Place" by the Lyndhurst Foundation along with other winners like the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC and Central Park in New York City. Locally, the market receives many "Best of Roanoke" awards by readers of the Roanoker Magazine.

Please check out That's My World where people from all over the globe share pictures of their part of the world.


  1. Even if you're not out to shop, this is a good place to walk around, browse and take photos. Thanks for taking us along.

  2. I just wanted to say that I have been enjoying your posts. One of my favorite things is finding the hidden corners of Virginia. I also enjoyed seeing pics of the Taubman, as I've heard rumors something unsual was going up there. Sounds like there may be a few design/site selection issues. I look forward to your future posts.

  3. Neat market. I could smell the spirit of christmas from there. great job.

  4. What a neat old historic area. Those fresh goodies look so good. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great post and photos! I love the moto on the Seed Shops window.

  6. Great pics. Looks like a fun place to go.

  7. Great tour of Roanoke Market and I loved all your photos. Very interesting post too. I've never been there but will have to visit one of these days. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Have a great week.

  8. Since moving here, this has been on my list of things to do. Great photos!

  9. I enjoyed looking at and learning about your world. Thanks for sharing with us.


  10. Great photos, and what a nice selection of produce for this time of year.

  11. What a wonderful Farmer's Market!! Love the Xmas decorations. And everything else!!

  12. This reminds of Faneuil Hall in Boston. I especially like the truck with the veggies. I really want to go to that Ladles & Linens store. We don't have stores like that where we live (unless you get in a car and drive and drive and drive).

  13. Thanks for such an interesting post and I enjoyed the photographs.

    To answer your question on my blog, the birds sunning themselves were seagulls. They travel past my area at certain times of the year. I'm always startled to see them as I think of them more on the coast.

  14. Neat shots, shops all stuffed with Christmas goodies!

  15. It's a good place to walk around, I guess. Wonderful that you wanted to share this with us.The pictures are great.

  16. this looks like the place to be around the holidays! I love how you captured the signage too.

  17. Oh, I'm so envious. Window-shopping in the market would be too tempting for me...I need to go in!

    You're so lucky. Thank you for sharing the market and the beautiful blue skies too!

  18. Beautiful Market, fruits and vegetables.
    Thanks for visit my blog.
    Yes, they are a smaller banana species named "banana ouro" (Gold banana).

  19. Such a great post! I wish I could jump into those photos and do some shopping, and smell those great looking wreaths. What a nice part of the world you have there.

    Oh, and in answer to your question on my post, yes the park/lake is still run by the county.

  20. Seems like a real pleasure to visit that market in Roanoke! Thanks for sharing your world with me! :)

  21. How festive. Your post really captured the "feel" of a good market!

  22. That is a great place! I love the old style windows with the letters painted on them.

  23. What a beautiful place to take in the sights and scents! Great stuff.

  24. That looks like a fun place to be. I'll have to stop there next time we are driving through.

  25. What a fantastic looking place and all that fresh produce. excellent post. Thank you for sharing.

  26. I love the Market on the Square! I was just there Friday when I visited my daughter and her family. It was freezing!!

    The Tavern on the Market is our daughter's husband's.

    I love Roanoke!


  27. beautiful pictures and I just love old brick buildings. Those goodies look delectable:) My world is here

  28. Apparently we both had the same idea, showing our markets, lol ! When the sun is shining I go every sunday morning on my market it is sooo big that you always discover new things and then there is a special ambiance when the people are shouting the quality and prices of their products !

  29. Hi Erin, I enjoyed your City Market. I wish I could personally take a walk through there ... it looks quite nice.
    I love the architecture of the building... you are a fantastic photographer.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog :)

  30. Your world is beautiful.Thanks for sharing and also Thanks for visiting my world.

  31. Your wonderful pictures transported me into another world. Wouldn't I just love to shop at 'Ladles and Linens'?

  32. A wonderful place and facility to have in your town. We have to travel 40km to our nearest farmers'market which operates only on Saturdays.

  33. What a fantastic downtown! That makes me want to take off work and head downtown myself. Except ours isnt nearly that pretty.

  34. Farmer's Markets are my most favourite places to shop. Every town should have one as nice as yours. That's wonderful that it is open year round too.

  35. thank you for the lovely tour of the wonderful 'The Historic Roanoke City Market'

  36. Beautiful post and great photos of really charming city! It’s beautiful place to walk around.

  37. I have been to Virginia . I was there some 38 years ago ... in Pocahontas to be precise ! I loved it ! Nice pictures of downtown !

  38. Roanoke looks like a really nice and fun town. Great to have a look around your world. Thanks.

  39. Love visiting this market with the blue sky and Natures bounty in abundance! Love the fresh wreaths..that can be purchased..I have them all around my home..the smell..can't beat the freshness of pine scent!

  40. did you change the picture format to your blog? bigger? i love it!

  41. You live in an interesting part of the world. Love this series of photos from around town.

  42. Looks a good range of things on sale. Thanks for leaving a comment on my Skywatch Friday photo.

  43. That visitor was right.
    You can feel the atmosphere even just looking at the photographs.
    Unity is fading in some places too fast.
    Thank you for the look at your area.
    Seasons greetings to you also.

  44. as always great commentary of where you live, love the photos also.

    Gill in Canada

  45. Wow, what an awesome post! I learned a lot about a city I have always thought was really neat...but I didn't know anything about the Market, and I am glad you shared that with us. Really great photos too!


  46. First thing I do when I'm in a new city is ask directions to the market and, boy howdy, yours looks to be a great one from your description and fine photos. Thanks for sharing your beautiful neck of the woods with us through your wonderful blog!

    And I say, Go Bruins (except when they're playing the Huskies!) :)
    I enjoyed your post about that game.

  47. I love this market! Lovely photos , thank you for sharing

  48. Your photos definitely give one a feel for your town - it's positively charming! Thanks for including the pine wreaths - I could almost smell them. It's things like that that I miss the most this time of year. There no sign of the holidays here at all. :(
    The happiest of holidays to you!

  49. We have been here in Roanoke for a bit over a year and I have yet to get down to the market. Love the shot of the red pickup truck and the wreaths... so very festive!

    The Blue Ridge Gal


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