24 April 2009

Opportunities Before You

Of course, my husband always comments, that I am easily distracted from the tasks at hand (he does not multi-task) and that I tend to deviate from what I am supposed(his opinion solely) to be doing. Well, last weekend we were mowing...I do the trim mowing around the trees and areas where you can't get into with the riding mower. And while mowing around this particular tree I happened to look a little more closely at the leaves and thought to myself - PHOTO OPPORTUNITY. So...I shut off the push mower and ran inside to grab the camera. I think my distraction was a beautiful capture.


  1. I'm distracted ALL the time. Great shot and do not listen to your husband..... *grins

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  2. I'm right there with you ladies in the distraction department. I thought maybe it had something to do with my age, I don't know.

    Gorgeous shot! So simple but the colors and content stand right out. It certainly was a photographic opportunity!


  3. I'm always easily distracted. Like right now, I should be packing but instead am online. Does it count if I'm trying to read all the blogs before I'm turned off at midnight?

    Very nice capture Erin, definately worth the distraction.

  4. Obviously, you know what's important! Great picture.

  5. Helicopters!!!! I love when they go swirling and spinning downwards. Brings back some childhood memories.

    Beautiful capture, Erin!


  6. Brings back memories of what is about to happen here soon! Great shot of the "helcopters" in early formation.

  7. Yep, totally worth the distraction! That is outstanding!... I just love the green and mowing a lawn!? Well, that will be sometime yet before that happens here!

  8. Maple tree, right? Very nice shot.

  9. You got really wonderful photo! Those knew leaves look so beautiful against that blur background.

  10. Ahhhhh but that just tells me you have a passion for photography as is shown by the gorgeous photos you have on your blog.

  11. Today I made a conscious effort not to take my camera into the garden. I am so easily distracted these days with taking photos for the blog. Luckily you were, the photo is lovely. x

  12. I agree, great capture! Yesterday, the neighbor whose yard I'm gardening in was over mowing. I asked him if he was ready for more lettuce, and he was. When I brought it out to him, I said that I needed to figure out which job I had started that I was going to finish first, and he laughed and said he does that, too.

    I think I'm the queen of being sidetracked.


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.