31 May 2009

Part 2 - Stonewall Jackson's Home and Garden - Lexington, Virginia

More from Stonewall Jackson's home in Lexington, Virginia. As I said in the previous post, I love visiting the garden. It offers such different looks during the course of the year. Enjoy

29 May 2009

Part 1 - The Garden at Stonewall Jackson's Home-Lexington, Virginia

A couple of weeks ago I took a little ride to Lexington, Virginia. Lexington is the home to several interesting attractions and one of my favorite and oft visited spots is Confederate General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson's home . This house is the only one that Jackson ever owned and it is located right in town. The garden is beautiful and I thought you might enjoy some photographs of it. Isn't this clover heavenly? And, the little johnny jump ups peeking out are so precious.

21 May 2009

Jordan's Point - Lexington, Virginia

I love the textures at play on this old house...the rusting tin roof, the peeling plaster revealing the stone structure beneath. I think it beautiful.

20 May 2009

Down a Country Lane - It's Spring

I so love to wander about the country roads down the road from my home. As I've mentioned in previous posts I am 5 minutes from the tranquility of the countryside. Have a lovely day.

12 May 2009

Let's Take a Road Trip-Part 2

Here are some more shots from Jordan's Point. This is the Maury River at Lexington. I just love this area. Can you belive it was 86 out and wickedly humid?

11 May 2009

Let's Take a Road Trip-Part 1

Saturday was a very hot and humid day in our part of the world so I decided to take a road trip. Revisited the Maury River at Jordan's Point Park in Lexington. Will share more with you in the days ahead. Aren't these trees just amazing?

04 May 2009

Buchanan Civil War History Weekend

Here are some captures from the Buchanan Civil War History Weekend that I hope you enjoy. It was hotter than **** the day I decided to attend. And the BUGS were as big as .... that is the James River in the background of some of the shots. The seventh photograph is General Lee addressing the townspeople.

01 May 2009

"A" is for Alpaca

This weekend past I had the chance to visit a friends farm. He and his wife raise alpacas. I had a wonderful time watching the shearing process of his herd; shearing is done yearly in the Spring. For the alpacas I think it was a welcome relief as the temperatures here in Virginia had been into the 80s for several days including the day of the shearing. I have to say that the alpacas were very sweet and welcomed me into their pen with great curiosity.