26 June 2009

Historic Scarecrow from Stonewall Jackson Garden-Lexington, Virginia

I had meant to post this earlier but forgot. Thinking this might be an interesting scarecrow alternative for our gardens. However, I personally think that the stench from the rotting potato might be the deterrent factor? Your thoughts?


  1. Hi Erin,
    This is so great - it made me smile! I think my deer, coyote, and bear would love the potato and trample my garden to get to it. (It would scare Lucinda, though...)

    PS The tombstone study in the former post is wonderful.

  2. Maybe the potato will sprout and then you can plant it or the potato will attract the birds and they will eat it...hmmm :D

  3. The potato can only smell so bad...

  4. Clever idea. Ewww! Rotting tater. hehe!!

    Fun post, Erin :)


  5. Cool idea! Yes, I think using a real potato would be a problem. I don't think it would smell but shrivel. But something in it's place might work. I'll have to think about this!


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