29 June 2009

Three Months Later...Look at Me!

I turned 3 months on June 26th. I am growing by leaps and bounds and exploring my world with great enthusiasm. I can leap about 7 feet now and I love to get into everything that Mommy tells me not to. I still like sips of iced tea from mommy's glass and I like to lay across her wireless keyboard so she can't do her computer stuff. Mommy took these photographs of me on Saturday. Oh, did I forget to mention I still don't like her pointing that camera thingie at me so...I run at her and swat at it. She still doesn't get the message. So I run about like a mad cat trying to make it really hard for her to get a shot of me....hehehe

I am a big girl...


  1. Such a beautiful little imp! I bet she's naughty, no??

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  2. She is adorable .. nicely caught tongue to nose ...

  3. She's still small, cute and adorable.

  4. She's grown! What a cutie. Thanks for an update. I'm sure she brings you lots of smiles.

    Have a beautiful week, my friend.

  5. She's purrrrfect! Your new sunflower header makes my day!

  6. Oh, it is well known to me such behavior. :-) Your Mommy has taken great shots of you, anyway. You are simply adorable! I too couldn’t resist your charms. Thanks for made my day. :-)

  7. OH she's so cute Erin! It is hard to get photo's huh? Although you did an awesome job! I have a hard time getting a good one of my little Bella!

  8. It's the "Good Life in Virginia" that has her looking so adorable and growing big. She's a cutie for sure.


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.