01 July 2009

Those Lazy Summer Days on the Maury River: Lexington, Virginia

Very hot and still the air was, very smooth the gliding river, motionless the sleeping shadows.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


  1. Hi there- I happened upon your blog from somewhere... the name caught me. I live in central VA (suburb of Richmond). Love all the photos and the kitty was precious!

    I will be back!
    Colleen :)

  2. I just wanted to say a big, big thank you for all your comments and all the time you take for popping by and visiting me. I so appreciate it. By the way I just did an update to that post on my blog, I have just disposed of those furry little creatures!!!!

    Gill :0)

  3. Oh .. so pretty and green and calm ...

  4. Love the sunflower header. Nice shots of the river!

  5. I am learning composition and perspective from you, Erin. You have quite a practiced eye for the perfect shot! Those reflected floats on the river - leading the eye to all that lush greener. Happy 4th!

  6. So green, dappled sunlight on a romantic river; hello summer delights.

  7. Just found your site. Will be here more often.

  8. beautiful photos Erin! Hope you had a great 4th!

  9. The trail beckons to me. So pretty!

    And the wooden raft of young folks remind me of mermaid enjoying a private moment. I love the angles and perpsective you've chosen for your photos. Beautiful!


  10. Wow so lovely pictures.So you love summer days or winter?

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Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.