09 October 2009

Morning Glory...

This is from my garden...last week.


  1. What a big, bold, beautiful shot! I love Morning Glorys but mine bloomed so late last year I decided not to grow them again this year. They sure are pretty though!

  2. What a gorgeous and colorful bloom so late in the season. Excellent capture Erin. Have a good weekend.

  3. A fading but still glorious glory!

  4. W.O.W!!! That is more beautiful than I have words to describe it. You did good!

    I like your new header, too.


  5. hi Erin,
    I like your header! (I'm a rabbit person, as you know.) Your morning glory is a wonderful shade of purple. I planted seeds in Denver this spring for the first time. They took over everything! They climbed up spoutings, rose bushes, trellises, air conditioner wires, etc! I finally had to remove some of hte vines so they wouldn't choke out everything else.

  6. Your photo of lovely Morning Glory is absolutely stunning...


Hi everyone. I so appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a great day.