07 January 2010

Reflection - Skywatch Friday

Do stop by and visit all my friends at SKYWATCH FRIDAY and share in the new year's spirit. Skywatch Friday was created by Dot, and perfected by Tom and is now hosted by Klaus. Skywatch members are Wren, Sandy, Sylvia, Louise, Fishing Guy, and Klaus.

The photograph was taken November 5, 2009 just outside Kilmarnok, Virginia across the road from the Chesapeake Trail area that was the subject of my last SKYWATCH entry. I so loved the lighting in the field and beyond and the reflection of the clouds in the water. It had a sort of ethereal quality to it. Enjoy

We are on winter weather advisory today...snow rolling in around noonish . Enough of this cold weather~ Be gone I say! Like that is going to make a difference...


Sylvia K said...

Terrific capture, Erin! I do love the reflections in the water! What a peaceful scene!!! Have a beautiful weekend!


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

More beauty. Did you even have a chance to eat any oysters?

Daryl said...

Not sure which reflection I like most the header or this post .. I love love love reflective shots

Eve said...

What a beautiful and peaceful scene! It looks like a wonderful location for a slow stroll.

I really love your header photo too! :)

clairz said...

You are right, the light is lovely. I really like your header shot, too. Thank you for sharing.

EG CameraGirl said...

The light is stunning, Erin! Nice capture.

Gwendolyn L said...

I really like the colors and composition of this photo. I like the sky reflection in the water. Terrific capture. Thanks for sharing.

Elisabeth said...

Lovely! I really like the fall colors and reflection. Very nice.

Eaglesbrother said...

Great Capture !!
As always reflections catch ones eye and keep it there while viewing all the rest.

Ramosforest.Environment said...

Great reflections.
Luiz Ramos

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shot. Very lovely reflections in water of beautiful nature.

Rob Ripma said...

Awesome shot and a beautiful reflection!

Shannara said...

Lovely pic, love reflections and all those coulors.

Photo Cache said...

Lovely capture. Delightful scene.

My entry today is here:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot and not a drop of snow in sight - you keep warm and safe now!

Müge Tekil said...

Beautiful reflection, peaceful ambiance, great photo!

Light and Voices said...

Lovely peaceful scene.
Joyce, IL, USA

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

The sky reflection is great.

Country Girl said...

Oh so beautiful. I love reflections.

DeniseinVA said...

Great reflections in your photo, it's just a beautiful shot. Have a great weekend.

Barb said...

A great reflective photo - looks like a place I'd enjoy visiting. Very beautiful.

Regina said...

Beautiful reflection!
Such a beauty.

Happy weekend.

Lew said...

Beautiful field and beautiful sky you found!

SandyCarlson said...

Absolutely beautiful, Erin. Thanks.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great shot. I love the sky and the clouds, and the reflections. I also like the splash of sun across the pond and the trees. I just love the whole thing.

Carver said...

I love the reflection and the light on the autumn trees is wonderful.

Bill S. said...

I love how the water reflects the sky more beautifully that the picture does. Great capture.

Ebie said...

Hi Erin, its good to be back posting for Skywatch. I have been off line the last weeks of December. I love your photographic skills, and the texture and colors are just gorgeous!
I have heard in the news about your snow storm, I hope you did not have a hard time in your commute.
P.S. I was in a car accident 12.2.09, the guy ran a red light. But I am OK, no scratch at all except for the car.
Hope to be taking more photos in the coming weeks to share.

XoXo said...

Gorgeous shot! Have a nice weekend Erin.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could step right into that photo. I almost feels as if I can!

I am also loving your new header, too.

Take good care of yourself, Erin.


Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

The colours and light are beautiful, and beautifully captured too. Have a good weekend. Hope the snow is manageable.

Anonymous said...

Nice remembrance of fall just gone by. Yes, lovely light!

Tara R. said...

Wonderful capture from the lighting to the reflections on the water. Beautiful!

Dewdrop said...

Oh wow! I am speechless.

Unknown said...

Lovely reflection!

Mental P Mama said...

Just gorgeous! Did you get your snow? PS_ Love the new Header!

Xavi said...

Great reflections,very beautiful!!!
Thanks for your comments in my blog.
Have a great weekend.

earthtoholly.com said...

A beautiful photo, Erin, as usual! This looks like so many of the scenes down that way...the treelines along farm fields and marshes. The reflection is gorgeous... Have a great weekend! :o)

Helena said...

Gorgeous sky and reflections! Looks like a very peaceful spot.

Gena D said...

This is such a great skywatch picture - really, really lovely!!!!
My posts are up too! happy weekend!
Gena @ thinking aloud
Blog/ post : http://tobethinkingaloud.blogspot.com/

MedaM said...

What a wonderful photo! The colors, the light, the reflection and the whole composition makes this photo really stunning.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

Splendid Little Stars said...

love it! You captured the essence of the loveliness of Fall!