11 February 2010

It's Not Paris....

I know, it's not Paris nor an African safari but...  I am going on an Italian adventure.

On my itinerary: Naples, Sorrento, Paestum, Amalfi, Positano, Ercolano, Capri, Viterbo, Siena, Cerveteri, Rome and whatever else strikes my fancy in the next few weeks.

I depart Monday.

07 February 2010

Winter Water Scenes...

One kind word can warm three winter months-Japanese Proverb

28 January 2010

Waning Hours of the Day at Eagle Rock, Virginia

Taken the weekend it was like 10 degrees out and the wind was a howling like mad. I felt my ears numb as well as my face and decided outdoor photography was not a good thing. Thought this a lovely shot of the stark tree limbs and branches against the sky.

Some thoughts to ponder:

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes - Charles R. Swindoll  (American Writer and Clergyman, b.1934)

22 January 2010

Should I Stop or Should I Go -Weekend Reflections

If you get to know me, you will notice that I have this thing about looking up/down, left/right, in/out and all around when it comes to my photography. I spied this shot while walking across the parking lot to our "new" Kroger superstore on Route 460. Of course, before we did a little shopping we had a nibble at our favorite restaurant Cafe' Asia located in the same complex. This little restaurant has it all together and we are frequent visitors.

This is my third entry into WEEKEND  REFLECTIONS hosted by James at Newton Area Photo. Please join in this wonderful meme. James is currently basking in his home state of California. And, boy do I wish I were endulging in a visit there as well. Yes, I know, it's raining and storm after storm is hitting the area but, the FOOD...I so miss the FOOD!

20 January 2010

The Front and Rear Views at Jefferson's Poplar Forest Retreat-Windows Views and Doors Too

Here are a few more photographs from Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest Retreat. The first is a front view of the octagonal structure, the second the rear or south portico and the third, one of the wing extensions that was under renovation when we visited but, is now complete. The wing extension provided storage, a kitchen, smokehouse and laundry. Enjoy.

I have an intense interest in Thomas Jefferson and add new reading material regularly to my personal library that includes a rather large section devoted solely to him. I am enamored by his gardens, his design aesthetic and his point of view. Over the course of the year, I hope to share with you many bits and pieces of his life that extended well beyond the confines of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

This is my fourth submission for Window Views and Doors Too . Please join in this fab meme hosted by the lovely Mary Tomaselli on Wednesday/Thursday.

18 January 2010

Stewart's Draft, Virginia-My World Tuesday

We took a drive to Stewart's Draft last week to visit The Cheese Shop; about a hour and a few minutes drive from our home and off Interstate 81 heading north. Snow still on the ground and temps in the 30-40s. Beautiful drive. The Cheese Shop was a disappointment as was the food at their sister shop. We've found that anything that locals tend to talk-up is usually not up to our expectations. Needless to say, we won't be returning.

Do stop by and visit us at MY WORLD TUESDAY and see the best photographs from all over the world by some of the most wonderful photographers out there. The meme is hosted by Klaus and the meme world team including Sandy, The Fishing Guy, Wren, Sylvia and Louise.

12 January 2010

Door View from Poplar Forest, Virginia

Thought I would post a photograph of the 'outhouse' at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest. Quite a nice little building but,  a distance from the main house. Needless to say, bedpans were used in case of emergencies and inclimate weather conditions.

Poplar Forest is located east of the Roanoke Valley area in Forest, Virginia. It is one of two homes/retreats that Jefferson built during his lifetime. The other, Monticello, is located just outside Charlottesville proper. Do click through to visit both sites. Both web pages are excellent. I visit both Poplar Forest and Monticello at least once a year.

This is my third submission for Window Views and Doors Too . Please join in this fab meme hosted by the lovely Mary Tomaselli on Wednesday/Thursday.

08 January 2010

Sky Reflection from Lexington, Virginia - Weekend Reflections

I took this shot a year ago when I headed up to Lexington, Virginia for the day. The weather was much like it is today...cold and a blistering wind that sends chills all the way to your bones. The best part of the day was the blue sky and assorted cloud formations.

Please join us at WEEKEND REFLECTIONS hosted by James, another Californian who gave up the good life when he moved East. This is my first entry.

07 January 2010

Reflection - Skywatch Friday

Do stop by and visit all my friends at SKYWATCH FRIDAY and share in the new year's spirit. Skywatch Friday was created by Dot, and perfected by Tom and is now hosted by Klaus. Skywatch members are Wren, Sandy, Sylvia, Louise, Fishing Guy, and Klaus.

The photograph was taken November 5, 2009 just outside Kilmarnok, Virginia across the road from the Chesapeake Trail area that was the subject of my last SKYWATCH entry. I so loved the lighting in the field and beyond and the reflection of the clouds in the water. It had a sort of ethereal quality to it. Enjoy

We are on winter weather advisory today...snow rolling in around noonish . Enough of this cold weather~ Be gone I say! Like that is going to make a difference...

04 January 2010

Winter Scenes from My World

This is my contribution for MY WORLD-TUESDAY . Taken Saturday, January 2, 2010 in and around Craig's Creek in Botetourt County, Virginia. Temperature with wind chill factored in was 10 degrees. Needless to say, I did not tary too long outside. A wee bit too cold for me.

Do stop by the fab meme and check out the many contributors from all over the world. That's My World is hosted each week by Klaus and the My World team, Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and Sylvia.

03 January 2010

Baby...It's Cold Outside

Late Saturday afternoon I tempted fate and went out to capture some winter photographs. The temperature was about 27 and with the wind chill, it dipped down to 10 degrees. Headed toward Eagle Rock area.

The Phoenix Bridge was constructed in 1887. It is a single lane bridge spanning Craig's Creek in Botetourt County Virginia. It was built by the Phoenix Bridge Company and was one of the first steel bridges constructed in southwest Virginia.

To see more interesting history items in and around Botetourt County, Virginia please check out fellow local blogger Anita Firebaugh's Botetourt History Project.
Taken: January 2, 2010