23 October 2009

22 October 2009

Meet Me at the Gazebo...

The gazebo at the Martha Washington Inn was heavenly back in July when I visited. Perusing through my summer images I could not resist posting this lovely shot.

Barefoot Days

by Rachel Field

In the morning, very early,

That’s the time I love to go

Barefoot where the fern grows curly

And the grass is cool between each toe,

On a summer morning – O!

On a summer morning!

That is when the birds go by

Up the sunny slopes of air,

And each rose has a butterfly

Or a golden bee to wear;

And I am glad in every toe –

Such a summer morning – O!

Such a summer morning!

20 October 2009

Last View of Summer in the Hood....Taken Last Week from My Patio

The weather is changing. We had some lovely days and the grass greened up again. Now, Fall is setting in. Frost on the grass the past two mornings and temperatures have dipped into the 30s at night. 

I took this shot through the screen, thought that it made an interesting textural quality (click to enlarge and you will see what I am referring to).

I am looking forward to a drive into the local mountains and along the Blue Ridge Parkway this weekend. Maybe I will get lucky and find some Fall colors.

Have a lovely Tuesday everyone.

19 October 2009

Emerald Green Beauty

This is probably the last time I will capture such a shot this season. This morning we had our first hard frost.

16 October 2009

One Hundred Fifty Years Ago...

Date: October 16, 1859

Place: Harper's Ferry, Virginia

John Brown's Raid on Federal Arsenal at Harper's Ferry

On this date, 19 heavily armed men stole down mist-shrouded bluffs along the Potomac River where it joins the Shenandoah River. Their leader, was a 59 year-old man named John Brown. The raid would be the most daring instance on record of white men entering a Southern state to incite a slave rebellion. According to Fergus M. Bordewich, in military terms, it was barely a skirmish, but the incident electrified the nation.

John Stauffer, Harvard historian states the impact of Harpers Ferry quite literally transformed the nation. The tide of anger that flowed from Harpers Ferry traunmatized Americans of all persuasions, terrorizing Southerners with the fear of massive slave rebellions, and radicalizing countless Northerners, who had hoped that a violent confrontation over slavery could be indefinitely postponed.

Brown and his captured men were charged with treason, first-degree murder and "conspiring with Negroes to produce insurrection." Brown was sentenced on November 2, 1859. Escorted by six companies of infantry, he was transported to a scaffold where, at 11:15, a sack was placed over his head and a rope fitted around his neck. Brown told his guard, "Don't keep me waiting longer than necessary. Be quick."

14 October 2009

I Just Want a Bottle of Water...

Becky turns 7 months old soon. She is a typical kitten, if there is such a thing. She now weighs 5.8 pounds, and is no longer a little handfull of fluff. We've found when Becky wants something, there is no stopping her. She carries on, whines like a wee one and gets a little bit obnoxious. She has definitely become a Princess.

But...she's a little sweetie and we're happy to have our little tabby girl.
P.S. Becky was not left unattended while I snapped these shots of her with the plastic. Once I captured these shots, the bottles were removed and the packaging was taken to the trash. Becky knows plastic is not a good thing for little kits to chew on.

12 October 2009

It's Time for the Willow Manor Ball...

I am so excited, tomorrow is the Willow Manor Ball. I have heard that the evening will include fine music, dancing, a delectable and tantalizing menu to tease our pallets, fine champagne, and guest list that includes many notables from all corners of the world.

My ensemble... I have found the perfect gown. It is a vintage piece designed by the Italian firm of Mingolini-Guggenheim of Rome. I fell in love with it. And you no doubt will concur that it is a gorgeous piece.

The gown's bodice is covered in pearls, sequins, rhinestones and bugle beads. The bead work also adorns a panel at the top of the skirt, and rhinestones, bugle beads and pearls radiate from the panel the full length of the skirt in front, and on both sides.

The matching velvet coat is stunning. It is cut narrow in front to match the lines of the dress. The drama comes from the luxurious white mink cuffs. No doubt I will need the coat as the Fall air is a bit crisp in the late evening hours in Ohio.

For my footwear....I have selected Manolo Blahnik black silk heels with a rhinestone adornment at the peep toe. A gal just can't go wrong with a pair of Manolo's.

My jewelry ... a diamond encrusted tiara and a fab swarovski crystal necklace and earrings to finish my ensemble.

My escort... 8 time pro bowl pick football defensive end Howie Long of Ivy, Virginia. Howie had an illustrious career with the Oakland Raiders from 1981-1993. I had the pleasure of being a season ticket holder for many of the years Howie played with the Raiders. He is currently employed by Fox Sports as a sports analyst for their Sunday football program.

I have selected as my gift for our lovely hostess a case of Champagne Pommery. I think she'll enjoy this long after the Ball has ended.

Do stop by and visit the festivities on October 13th.

Featherly Like...

Took this at Lake Moomaw, Virginia. I just love the way it turned out.

09 October 2009