31 December 2009

Looking Upward Along the Chesapeake Trail-SKYWATCH FRIDAY

Only as high as I reach can I grow,
 only as far as I seek can I go,
 only as deep as I look can I see,
 only as much as I dream can I be.

Do stop by and visit all my friends at SKYWATCH FRIDAY and share in the holiday spirit. Skywatch Friday was created by Dot, and perfected by Tom and is now hosted by Klaus. Skywatch members are Wren, Sandy, Sylvia, Louise, Fishing Guy, and Klaus.

This shot was taken on the Chesapeake Trail just outside Kilmarnok, Virginia. I walked along the trail and enjoyed the solitude of being alone under the beautiful canopy of trees reaching high into the sky. Enjoy.

29 December 2009

The Sea...

The Sea Hold

The sea is large.
The sea hold on a leg of land in the Chesapeake hugs an early sunset and a last morning star over the oyster beds and the late clam boats of lonely men.
Five white houses on a half-mile strip of land … five white dice rolled from a tube.
Not so long ago … the sea was large…
And to-day the sea has lost nothing … it keeps all.
I am a loon about the sea.
I make so many sea songs, I cry so many sea cries, I forget so many sea songs and sea cries.
I am a loon about the sea.
So are five men I had a fish fry with once in a tar-paper shack trembling in a sand storm.
The sea knows more about them than they know themselves.
They know only how the sea hugs and will not let go.
The sea is large.
The sea must know more than any of us.

Carl Sandburg

28 December 2009

Celebrating ....

My husband and I were married 19 years ago on Christmas Eve. We had a small ceremony overlooking  Lake Tahoe at 4:00 p.m. on December 24, 1990. I carried a dozen long stem pink roses and wore a Givenchy cream colored suit.

This year we celebrated locally. Had a wonderful Asian dinner at Cafe' Asia. And, I received two dozen roses, a mix of pink and red that smelled heavenly.

23 December 2009

Beautiful Skies Over Kilmarnok, Virginia-SKYWATCH Friday

The first weekend in November we attended the Urbanna, Virginia Oyster Festival. As there were no places to stay in Urbanna, I booked us into a hotel in Kilmarnok.

Kilmarnok is a short drive over Highway 3 from Urbanna. It is a pleasant little town and I enjoyed wandering about the town. The photograph above is taken at the wharf.  It appears that the town is expanding its capacity to moor boats as this area was not yet accessible by foot.

Do stop by and visit all my friends at SKYWATCH FRIDAY and share in the holiday spirit. Skywatch Friday was created by Dot, and perfected by Tom and is now hosted by Klaus. Skywatch members are Wren, Sandy, Sylvia, Louise, Fishing Guy, and Klaus. 

Happy Holidays One and All!

21 December 2009

The Big Snow Storm of Saturday December 19, 2009

We had a little snow storm on Saturday. Actually, it was the largest snow storm we have encountered since moving here eight years ago the 23rd of December.

I tried to head out to work today but the road in our development was extremely icy. The car got stuck and we worked for over an hour to get it back in the driveway. Lucky for us we were successful as the giant trash truck came lumbering down the road minutes later.

Around 11a.m. a young fellow knocked on the door and asked if we'd like our driveway cleaned. Of course I was happy he was offering to assist. He had a large front loader with a scraper on the rear. Cleaned the 2 1/2 feet of snow away in no time. He's on Christmas break from Virginia Tech where he is studying horticulture. His family lives down the valley road a couple of miles.
So, for now, our driveway is void of the snow. Tomorrow morning I will attempt to head out again for work, hopeful of course, I succeed and am able to make it to the main road.

17 December 2009

Urbanna Oyster Festival-Part 3

Longest lines were for the crab bisque at the Church

The local general store

Yummy briskets

Walking back from the wharf/dock

Lovely home along the way back from dock/wharf

Some more photographs from Urbanna Oyster Festival. Next series will be from Kilmarnok where we stayed.

16 December 2009

Urbanna Oyster Festival-Part 2

Here are some more photographs of our trip to Urbanna, Virginia for the Urbanna Oyster Festival the weekend of November 5-7. As previously noted, the weather was perfect, though a little brisk early in the day. The food, absolutely delicious. Enjoy.

03 December 2009

Clear Skies Over Kilmarnok-SkyWatch Friday Post

My husband and I spent November 5th, 6th and 7th in Kilmarnok, Virginia.We had taken a few days off to attend the Urbanna Oyster Festival. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we had a most enjoyable time.  I will share more of my photographs in the upcoming weeks.

Be sure to check out others SkyWatch posts. We have a great group of participants from all over the world. And, I can't tell you how much I enjoy visiting their blogs and seeing what they've been up to.

23 October 2009

22 October 2009

Meet Me at the Gazebo...

The gazebo at the Martha Washington Inn was heavenly back in July when I visited. Perusing through my summer images I could not resist posting this lovely shot.

Barefoot Days

by Rachel Field

In the morning, very early,

That’s the time I love to go

Barefoot where the fern grows curly

And the grass is cool between each toe,

On a summer morning – O!

On a summer morning!

That is when the birds go by

Up the sunny slopes of air,

And each rose has a butterfly

Or a golden bee to wear;

And I am glad in every toe –

Such a summer morning – O!

Such a summer morning!

20 October 2009

Last View of Summer in the Hood....Taken Last Week from My Patio

The weather is changing. We had some lovely days and the grass greened up again. Now, Fall is setting in. Frost on the grass the past two mornings and temperatures have dipped into the 30s at night. 

I took this shot through the screen, thought that it made an interesting textural quality (click to enlarge and you will see what I am referring to).

I am looking forward to a drive into the local mountains and along the Blue Ridge Parkway this weekend. Maybe I will get lucky and find some Fall colors.

Have a lovely Tuesday everyone.

19 October 2009

Emerald Green Beauty

This is probably the last time I will capture such a shot this season. This morning we had our first hard frost.

16 October 2009

One Hundred Fifty Years Ago...

Date: October 16, 1859

Place: Harper's Ferry, Virginia

John Brown's Raid on Federal Arsenal at Harper's Ferry

On this date, 19 heavily armed men stole down mist-shrouded bluffs along the Potomac River where it joins the Shenandoah River. Their leader, was a 59 year-old man named John Brown. The raid would be the most daring instance on record of white men entering a Southern state to incite a slave rebellion. According to Fergus M. Bordewich, in military terms, it was barely a skirmish, but the incident electrified the nation.

John Stauffer, Harvard historian states the impact of Harpers Ferry quite literally transformed the nation. The tide of anger that flowed from Harpers Ferry traunmatized Americans of all persuasions, terrorizing Southerners with the fear of massive slave rebellions, and radicalizing countless Northerners, who had hoped that a violent confrontation over slavery could be indefinitely postponed.

Brown and his captured men were charged with treason, first-degree murder and "conspiring with Negroes to produce insurrection." Brown was sentenced on November 2, 1859. Escorted by six companies of infantry, he was transported to a scaffold where, at 11:15, a sack was placed over his head and a rope fitted around his neck. Brown told his guard, "Don't keep me waiting longer than necessary. Be quick."

14 October 2009

I Just Want a Bottle of Water...

Becky turns 7 months old soon. She is a typical kitten, if there is such a thing. She now weighs 5.8 pounds, and is no longer a little handfull of fluff. We've found when Becky wants something, there is no stopping her. She carries on, whines like a wee one and gets a little bit obnoxious. She has definitely become a Princess.

But...she's a little sweetie and we're happy to have our little tabby girl.
P.S. Becky was not left unattended while I snapped these shots of her with the plastic. Once I captured these shots, the bottles were removed and the packaging was taken to the trash. Becky knows plastic is not a good thing for little kits to chew on.

12 October 2009

It's Time for the Willow Manor Ball...

I am so excited, tomorrow is the Willow Manor Ball. I have heard that the evening will include fine music, dancing, a delectable and tantalizing menu to tease our pallets, fine champagne, and guest list that includes many notables from all corners of the world.

My ensemble... I have found the perfect gown. It is a vintage piece designed by the Italian firm of Mingolini-Guggenheim of Rome. I fell in love with it. And you no doubt will concur that it is a gorgeous piece.

The gown's bodice is covered in pearls, sequins, rhinestones and bugle beads. The bead work also adorns a panel at the top of the skirt, and rhinestones, bugle beads and pearls radiate from the panel the full length of the skirt in front, and on both sides.

The matching velvet coat is stunning. It is cut narrow in front to match the lines of the dress. The drama comes from the luxurious white mink cuffs. No doubt I will need the coat as the Fall air is a bit crisp in the late evening hours in Ohio.

For my footwear....I have selected Manolo Blahnik black silk heels with a rhinestone adornment at the peep toe. A gal just can't go wrong with a pair of Manolo's.

My jewelry ... a diamond encrusted tiara and a fab swarovski crystal necklace and earrings to finish my ensemble.

My escort... 8 time pro bowl pick football defensive end Howie Long of Ivy, Virginia. Howie had an illustrious career with the Oakland Raiders from 1981-1993. I had the pleasure of being a season ticket holder for many of the years Howie played with the Raiders. He is currently employed by Fox Sports as a sports analyst for their Sunday football program.

I have selected as my gift for our lovely hostess a case of Champagne Pommery. I think she'll enjoy this long after the Ball has ended.

Do stop by and visit the festivities on October 13th.

Featherly Like...

Took this at Lake Moomaw, Virginia. I just love the way it turned out.

09 October 2009

30 September 2009

Snapshots From Summer 2009 ... Good Friends, Good Food and Lake Moomaw

Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.
-- Henry James

28 September 2009

I'm Back!

I came home Saturday morning and proceeded to checking each room and making sure all was in order. There were a couple of changes. Mom had put a towel in my cat habitat for me to curl up on...provides me a wee bit of privacy when I want to be invisible from them. Mom had also put shredded newspapers in my litter box and placed it outside the tub enclosure. Now that just didn't work for me. I cried and dug in the papers but, I just did not accept it as a litter box and besides, I had no privacy. So, they finally gave in and threw the shredded paper out and put a little liter in my box and put it back where it belonged, in the tub enclosure. I immediately jumped in and proceeded to do my thing. Relief!

I also don't like the stitches and have been nipping and tugging at them. They are itchy and annoying.

And what is up with my front paws? I keep shaking them and hoping my claws will reappear. Geesh. I have also been licking them alot...

Otherwise all is fine...I am getting lots of pets and loves and cuddles. It makes me feel better.

Oh, it was sooo nice to eat my food. I licked my dish clean!

Til later...
Blue Ridge Becky

25 September 2009

I Am Away...They've Taken Me to

Veterinarians to Cats for my procedures. I will return home Saturday sans my front claws and, I am now a poster child for zero-population growth.
My dad called and checked on me this morning. I am not eating the food they are serving...it's deplorable!
Let's say I will be happy to get out of here...two days is way too long to be away from my castle.
Blue Ridge Becky
P.S. Tomorrow I turn six months old...send cash!

24 September 2009